You will find here the tools and services you need to run your own business within 24 hours! You can resell my softwares easily without any coding skills, thanks to the License Keys Manager and Software Customization.
I will customize the software with your logo, your product name, your texts, your images, in the language(s) you want, and give you access to the License Keys Manager to generate your license keys... Within a day. Then you will be able sell your own products, with your own prices :)

What is the License Keys Manager?

The License Keys Manager is an online website, hosted on my server, that allows you to create and manage license keys easily without any coding or technical knowledge. It generates unique license keys that you give to your customers to let them activate and use the software.

It is compatible with any software, you can simply use it for your own softwares (without reselling mine).

You can set a different duration for each license key, by example you can create a license key that will work only for 30 days and another one for only 7 days. You also can disable or change the duration of the license key anytime with the License Keys Manager, by example if the user cancelled his payment, you can disable his license and block his access to your software. More options are available, one of those is that you can set variables (called Options) on each license key, so your software can remotely get those variables.

Once the license key is expired, already used or disabled, the user will get a message on your software and won't be able to use it anymore.

The License Key Check needs to be integrated in your software to work with the License Keys Manager, so everytime a customer uses your software, it will check if the license key is valid and enable or disable his access, by default it is integrated in all my softwares available for reselling.

An universal API is also available so you can generate license keys directly from your website or application.

If you are interested, contact me anytime here.

Here some screenshots of the interface (more options are available):

Manage all your licenses

Add a new license

Do you need the License Keys Manager to use the License Keys?

Short answer, no, you do not need it but it is a recommended powerfull tool.

You can simply buy license keys individually and sell them after: Pay as you go!

So you do not need pay much to start your business! Just buy the Customization, the Commercial Rights, a bunch of license keys, and you are ready to go.

You can buy a license key only when you need it, by example when you get paid by your customer, so you do not even have to pay the license key in advance.

How to sell the license keys?

Once you buy a license key, or create it with the License Keys Manager, you can sell it by way you want to your customer, you do not even need a website.

You can use PayPal, cash, crypto currencies, bank transfer or whatever!

If you have a website and need help to integrate a payment gateway on it (PayPal, Stripe, Bitcoin...), or if you need a website, you can hire me to do it.

What are the costs of the services?

The exact final cost will depend the services you need, but here some minimum starting prices to give you an idea, the prices are for 1 software.

You do not need all these services to run your business, pick the services corresponding to your needs.

The essential services to run and manage your business easily are:
- Commercial Rights, License Keys Manager Subscription (or some License Keys), License Key Check and Software Customization.

Services & Prices

Commercial Rights The rights to use the software for commercial purposes, with an unlimited number of end products, worldwide, so you can sell it without any restriction and even charge your customers weekly, monthly...
License Keys Manager Subscription Subscription for 1 Year minimum, has to be paid upfront:
  • Accessible the License Keys Manager online 24h/7
  • Unlimited softwares
  • Unlimited license keys for your own softwares.
  • 1500 license keys credits* for free (for reselling Automatize's softwares)
API License Keys REST API to create, update and verifity license keys online.
It is included for free with the License Keys Manager.
License Key Check Integration, in the code of the software, of the feature that will check online if the license key is valid or not. So you can disable any customer's access, anytime.
Software Customization Customization of the software with your logo, your text, your images, your translations...
Price per Operating System.
Source Code Full source code with all the assets. Note that you do NOT need the source code to resell the software, the source code will be usefull for you only if you want to edit/add/remove features by yourself (developer knowledges required).
Unlimited License Keys
Create and manage unlimited license keys for reselling softwares.
Create and manage unlimited license keys for your own softwares.
Subscription for 1 year minimum, has to be paid upfront, License Keys Manager Subscription needed.

Individual License Key
/ Pay As You Go
You can buy license keys individually and resell them to your customers. You can buy 1, 10, 20 license keys...
The price of the license keys will depend of the duration, the software and the quantity.
Software Update For any update (per Operating System).
Software Maintenance I will maintain the software up to date, unlimited updates.
Server Maintenance Server cost and maintenance fee.

Limited Offer (until )

Package Essential This package includes the services:
  • Commercial Rights
  • License Keys Manager Subscription (1 year) + 750 license keys credits
  • License Key Check
  • API License Keys
  • Software Customization (one Operating System of your choice)
  • Server Maintenance
The essential services you need to start your own business and manage your customers' license keys!

Payment method(s)

  • Crypto currencies: USDC, USDT, BTC, BNB, ETH, XMR...
    You can do direct transfer to my wallet, or you can use Binance Pay (no fee, you can buy crypto by credit card or bank transfer) or ($50 bonus).

If you need informations about Codecanyon's "Extended License", which is absolutely not related to the "license key" here, please click here.
* 1 credit = 1 day of license key usage, so with 1500 credits you can create 50 license keys of 1 month, or 25 license keys of 2 months, etc...

Softwares available to resell with Customization within 24h


I'm glad to present you my new Instagram Bot, if you like Social Bot, you will love InstaMAX, this is the ultimate Instagram automation software. It is available in English and French, more languages will be added soon.
And to reward your loyalty, you can get an extra 20% OFF on top of the current 53% OFF limited offer, simply send me an email with your license key to get your 20% discount!

It has an Affiliage Program that doesn't require any investment, you can start earning money right now!
It is available for reselling too, the conditions are available on the website.

Instagram Bot (InstaMAX)

Automatize - InstaMAX
